Unfuck Your Inbox Instantly

Keep your inbox clean with only important emails you actually care about or need

Fix Your Inbox for Free Gmail

Takes one minute

14.99 GB of 15 GB used


Emails blocked from the inbox


Emails Deleted


Senders Unsubscribed


AI Emails Written

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Turn your email notifications back on

Filter your inbox just like your adblocker does in your browser

  • No unsubscribing from a thousand different emails
  • Automatically inbox filtering
  • Automatically updating filter list
  • Only see emails you need or care about in the inbox

How it works

Checkout the video below to see how unfuck email will work.

Try it now

Come back on a desktop or table to try it out! Sorry you can only set these options on a desktop or tablet. Google and Fastmail don't allow it.

Remind Me

Set it and forget it forever

Who has time to play the cat and mouse game with email marketers? Keep inbox using automatically.


Early Birds Special


$ 12 24.99

Cancel Anytime

Start Now
  • Access to all new features
  • Notifications when the filter has been updated
  • Access to the extension which auto updates filters
  • Free Support
  • Ability to request features


$ 50 99.99

Buy it once and avoid another subscription

Fix Your Inbox Forever
  • Access to all new features
  • Notifications when the filter has been updated
  • Access to the extension which auto updates filters
  • Free Support
  • Ability to request features

See what is up next


Task 1: Filters

Get the extension to sync filters with the master list. Clearly showing which filters are from UFE and which are not.

Task 2: Beta Testing with real users

Beta test the current version of the extension with real users. Get feedback on what works and what doesn't.

Task 3: Get Live Stats working via an API endpoint

Need to show live stats on the landing page. Get the API endpoint working.

Task 4: Submit to Chrome Web Store

Get the extension submitted and approved to the Chrome Web Store.

Follow along everyday to see what is being worked on

What Are People Saying

Keep up the good work honey! I love the wizard. Very cute.



Looks legit. I want to try it.


Best Friend

Good job baby! It works great

